Oct 15, 2015 - General by

Most people think of fall colors, football, and Halloween when October rolls around. The month should also be important to those in the construction industry for another reason though. October is Careers in Construction Month.

construction-workersBillions of dollars are spent in the construction economy every year to train and develop workers. From safety training to keeping up with the way technology is changing the field every day, being ready for the next project is a normal part of a successful construction business. People are the industry’s most important asset, so investing in them ensures success for years to come.

Careers in Construction is also a good time to point out a potential crisis in the industry that is just over the horizon. As the economy improves and more projects come on line, the already thinned out ranks of skilled craftsman will not be adequate to meet the needs of companies. This shortage will only get worse as baby boomers in the industry begin to retire. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that we will need 1.6 million new construction workers to meet the increased demand by 2022. That is just 7 years away. And many of these workers will need to be prepared to walk into leadership roles right away. There is a need to recruit workers and invest in their training so they are ready in time.

We encourage you to set aside some time to celebrate the industry this month and to thank all those who work in construction, especially those with whom you work. Keep a close eye on what each of you can do to make sure it remains that way too though.

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