Taxes Archives
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Taxes on Apr 20, 2016.
People working in the construction industry, like any other business enterprise, are in it to make money. While some enjoy their work and get “payment” in the form of loving what they do, we don’t need to take a poll to know that participants in the construction industry would all be agreeable to making more money.
Continue Reading A quick fix to help the construction industry make more money...
Tags: Pennsylvania, Taxes
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Taxes on Feb 10, 2014.
With tax season looming, many are beginning to assemble their papers, talk to their accountants, and make decisions about how best to pay Uncle Sam. In this context, some will be shocked to hear about data recently offered by the National Federation of Independent Businesses and other tax related groups that have studied effective tax rates. Pennsylvania and New Jersey developers and construction companies should certainly be aware of these facts and, perhaps, consider changing the manner in which their companies are organized from a tax perspective.
Continue Reading Are Pennsylvania and New Jersey Construction Companies Paying Too Much in Taxes?...
Tags: C Corporations, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, S Corporations, Taxes