Monthly Archives: January 2013
The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor is increasing its efforts to pursue the misclassification of independent contractors under the auspices of Vice President Joe Biden’s Middle Class Task Force. Calling it a serious problem “for affected employees, employers, and to the entire economy”, the efforts are designed to address the improper designation of employees in some other manner.
Continue Reading U.S. Department of Labor Increasing Independent Contractor Misclassification Efforts...
Tags: Department of Labor, Employee Misclassification, Independent Contract, Wage and Hour
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Pending Legislation on Jan 28, 2013.
President Obama has signed the Drywall Safety Act of 2012, which was passed by the House and Senate last year. The legislation is designed to relieve some of the problems associated with tainted Chinese drywall that was, among other things, high in sulfur content. Another goal of the new law is to prevent the defective product from re-entering the U.S. market and causing further damage to property and the economy.
Tags: Chinese Drywall, Congress, Construction Market Trends, Current Events in Construction, Legislation
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Releases/Waivers on Jan 21, 2013.
Releases of claims are commonly negotiated and signed by parties involved in the construction process. But the content of a release has significant bearing on the rights of the parties relative to claims between them and should be carefully negotiated. This principle was recently highlighted in a case decided by the Supreme Court of Delaware (Riverbend Community LLC et al. v Greenstone Engineering LLC et al.).
Tags: Delaware, Engineer, Releases/Waivers, Supreme Court
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Labor Law on Jan 17, 2013.
As the legislative session in Pennsylvania gets underway in earnest, the making of laws starts anew. Among those under consideration may be several pieces of legislation that were under consideration last year but never made it to the floor for a vote. An act designed to make revisions to the apprenticeship structure in the state was one such bill.
Continue Reading An Apprenticeship Bill in Pennsylvania on the Schedule for 2013?...
Tags: Apprenticeship, Labor Law, Pennsylvania
Waterfront Development Partners, L.P., presented its plan for a waterfront project in Allentown to the Allentown City Planning Commission recently. The project, which is being called The Waterfront, is slated to convert approximately 26 acres of industrial property along the Lehigh River inside the city limits into a large scale mixed use development. Office, retail, restaurant, residential, and commercial space are all envisioned as part of the project.
Continue Reading Is An Allentown Waterfront Project Finally in the Offing?...
Tags: Allentown, Construction News, NIZ
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Mechanic's Liens on Jan 11, 2013.
Contractors who wait too long can lose their right to file a mechanic’s lien.
Continue Reading Corrective Work Does Not Extend The Time To File A Mechanic’s Lien Claim In Pennsylvania...
Tags: Mechanic's Liens, Pennsylvania