Philadelphia Construction Law Blog
Tag: General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Jun 16, 2016.
On the heels of our successful Spring Seminar Series, Kaplin Stewart’s Construction Law Group is in the process of planning its next program offering. Our Fall Seminar Series will follow a similar set-up to our Spring Seminar Series and offer some great new topics. We will have another announcement in the near future with more details, but here are some of the particulars.
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Tags: Fall Seminar Series, General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on May 30, 2016.
At Kaplin Stewart, we recognize that America is great because of the people that serve her and its people. Those who work in the military, the police, and as firefighters are among our nation’s finest. They put their lives on the line every day to protect us all – asking for very little in return. Some – who we especially remember on Memorial Day – pay the ultimate sacrifice by laying their lives down in the line of duty. For that, we are eternally grateful. We could never repay that debt. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Continue Reading On Memorial Day, We Remember...
Tags: General, Memorial Day
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on May 30, 2016.
At Kaplin Stewart, we recognize that America is great because of the people that serve her and its people. Those who work in the military, the police, and as firefighters are among our nation’s finest. They put their lives on the line every day to protect us all – asking for very little in return. Some – who we especially remember on Memorial Day – pay the ultimate sacrifice by laying their lives down in the line of duty. For that, we are eternally grateful. We could never repay that debt. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
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Tags: General, Memorial Day
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Apr 5, 2016.
The City of Philadelphia and its people take a great deal of pride in any number of things – and rightly so. From great food and fantastic culture to a history older than America itself, there is so much to appreciate about the place we call home. But ask any Philadelphian what they are most proud of and they will tell you, perhaps in their own way, it’s the City’s indomitable spirit.
Continue Reading Villanova Was Philly Strong...
Tags: General, Villanova
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 23, 2016.
The Metal Building Contractors and Erectors Association will be hosting its annual national conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida, in May. The Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association serves participants in the metal building industry, including contractors, erectors, and suppliers. Its goal is to provide exceptional training and education that allows its members to succeed and raises the profile of the metal building industry.
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Tags: General, Kaplin Stewart News, Metal Building Contractors & Erectors Association
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Bonding and Surety on Mar 21, 2016.
At Kaplin Stewart, we strive every day to add value to the businesses of our clients and potential clients. We are thrilled to announce the start of another one of these efforts – our construction surety law blog! The surety industry is one which we represent regularly; and we believe that it is a niche with specific issues that merit a special comment from time to time. So we hope you will read the blog and join the conversation.
Continue Reading Kaplin Stewart Now Has a Surety Blog!...
Tags: bond, bonding and surety, General, surety
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 17, 2016.
Wishing you all the luck of the Irish!
Continue Reading HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!...
Tags: General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 17, 2016.
Continue Reading Join Us For The Last Of Our Spring Seminar Series!...
Tags: Bill Auxer, General, Sandy Feltes, Spring Seminar Series
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
General on Mar 14, 2016.
Did you know that the John Hancock Life Insurance Company has 2 full time spotters for its office building in Boston, Massachusetts? These two employees do nothing but watch the building to warn people of falling windows.
Continue Reading Did You Know – Construction Style...
Tags: General
On behalf of Kaplin Stewart Meloff Reiter & Stein, P.C. posted in
Uncategorized on Feb 2, 2016.
RSVP today!! Email Dani Borzor at to register.
Continue Reading Your Invitation to the Next Program in Our Spring Seminar Series Has Arrived!...
Tags: General, Kevan Hirsch, Mohammad Ghiasuddin, Spring Seminar Series